
(512) 931-1962
5-axis CNC machining centers for milling and drilling - Gantry CNC machining centers for large-size work areas - poseidon

High speed 5-axis machining center

Numerically controlled machining centre designed according to CMS’ philosophy: the machine is the result and culmination of experiences developed in the aerospace and marine sectors.
The structure and the technical solutions adopted, along with the selected components, ensure a highest level of component finish, high machining speeds, reliability, structural rigidity, operating flexibility and outstanding productivity.

poseidon machine is available also with:

  • APC extractable tables allow the loading and unloading outside the working area
  • rotary table (TR): simplifies loading/unloading outside the machine and allows pendulum cycle using the complete working area
  • double bridge with twin operating units
  • 5-axis hybrid solution: milling + waterjet cutting system with catcher
  • fully automatic universal system for holding complex shaped parts (UHF), designed and produced by CMS.


poseidon does away with the problem of workpiece sizes; even in the extremely complex sectors like boating, wind power and automotive. Above all, thanks to the aeronautical design concepts applied to the frames, CMS has made no compromises on performance with volumetric accuracies 21% lower than the segment average.


High operating power, geometric precision and reliability even in the most complex machining operations lead to a single result: producing better workpieces more quickly. Poseidon has been designed to adapt to your manufacturing reality and make it even more efficient and competitive.


Single or double operating unit, single or double working area, 5-axis milling unit from 12 to 32 kW, 5-axis units with waterjet technology, over 100 dimensions: undeniably the most efficient configuration for every production reality. No compromises! 

Technical data
X [m] 2,5-4-5-6-7,5-8-10-13-15,5-18-20,5-23.5-26-28.5-31-34-36.5-39-41.5 85 m/min
Y [mm] 2600-4000-5000-6200 5000-6200-8500-10000 85 m/min
Z [mm] 1300-2000-2500 1300-2000-2500-3000-3000T*-3500-4000-4000T-5300T 45 m/min
A [ ° ] +/-120° (PX5, HX5), +/-110° (KX5) 9000°/min
C [ ° ] +/-270° (PX5), +/-245° (HX5) +/-300° (KX5) 9000°/min
Case Studies
CMS serves Alfa Romeo
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Composite materials in the automotive and racing world: a talk with HP Composites
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Hal & CMS
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